Sunset Health has been recognized as a leading health care provider both in Arizona and nationally
Our Achievements
Sunset Health regularly receives recognition for our work, and the impact we have on our community. As proud as we are of these achievements, we’re even more grateful for the patients who’ve entrusted their care to us. Any recognition we receive is a direct reflection of our commitment to them.
National Committee for Quality Assurance commends Sunset Health: Behavioral Health Integration
The Distinction in Behavioral Health Integration recognizes PCMH practices that have put enhanced structures in place to support the broad needs of patients with behavioral health related conditions at the primary care practice. The Distinction in Behavioral Health Integration is a way for practices to highlight where they excel beyond the PCMH standards.
This distinction calls for a care team in primary care that can manage the broad needs of patients with behavioral health related conditions and it incorporates criteria deemed meaningful by other programs and care models (e.g., the PCMH PRIME Certification program with the Massachusetts Health Policy Commission, the New York State Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment [DSRIP] Program and the Collaborative Care Model).
The Distinction in Behavioral Health Integration module includes 18 criteria across 4 competencies related to behavioral health. Of the 18 criteria in the module, 7 are also included in the PCMH Recognition standards. This overlap is specifically noted in the relevant BH criteria that follow. Practices that complete these criteria will receive credit for the aligned criteria in both PCMH Recognition and the Behavioral Health Integration Distinction Module. Practices seeking this distinction must meet all 11 core criteria and two elective credits.
Sunset Health Recognized for Excellence with Community Health Center Quality Award by HRSA
HRSA awards these recognitions annually to health centers that demonstrate superior performance in clinical care, including improvements in patient outcomes, increasing access to care, and enhancing operational quality. Sunset Health is honored to be among the top health centers in the nation, acknowledged for these achievements.
This recognition is part of HRSA’s broader effort to promote high-quality, affordable health care for underserved populations. Sunset Health has consistently strived to meet and exceed national healthcare standards, ensuring patients receive the best care possible regardless of their financial or social status.
About Sunset Health:
Sunset Health has been serving the Yuma County community since 1972, providing comprehensive healthcare services to patients of all ages. As a community-focused organization, we prioritize accessibility, patient-centered care, and innovation in health services to improve overall community health and well-being.
The Arizona Partnership for Immunization Award
Thank you to everyone involved providers, supporting medical staff, parents and little ones for helping Sunset Health achieve The Arizona Partnership for Immunization (TAPI) award again for 2024! The TAPI award is an honor and a great accomplishment and speaks about Sunset’s commitment to achieve high immunization in our pediatric patient population. The TAPI award recognizes outstanding practices and clinics that showed leadership and dedication in the field of immunization.
Arizona American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Announces
Saika Somjee, MD FAAP as AZ AAP Suicide Prevention Ambassador
The Arizona American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) chapter is excited to announce Saika Somjee, MD FAAP as the chapter’s new AAP Suicide Prevention Ambassador. Suicide Prevention Ambassadors are trained in strategies from the Blueprint for Youth Suicide Prevention and engage with community leaders to provide subject matter expertise and support AAP chapter activities related to youth suicide prevention. Dr Somjee is currently the Associate Medical Director at Sunset Health.
Working closely with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) chapter, Dr Somjee will lead community suicide prevention efforts on behalf of the Arizona AAP chapter. Activities will center around the needs of local pediatricians, pediatric health clinicians, youth, and their families. Dr. Somjee will support the mission of the American Academy of Pediatrics is to attain optimal physical, mental, and social health and well-being for all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults.
Residency Programs passed the House Education Committee
HB2753: GME; Residency Programs passed the House Education Committee yesterday! A huge thank you to Rep. Michele Pena, LD23 for sponsoring the bill and to Sunset Health and North Country HealthCare for providing testimony. This bill will help bring primary care residents to Community Health Centers in rural and underserved areas.
HRSA Presents Sunset Health with a Quality Recognition Award
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) presented Sunset Health with a 2022 Community Health Quality Recognition Award. Sunset Health was recognized for ranking among the top 20% of health centers for best overall clinical performance. Sunset Health is pleased to have received such prestige award and will continue its mission of delivering comprehensive and preventive primary care in a culturally sensitive, compassionate and professional manner, ultimately improving the health of our patients and responding to the health and education needs of our communities.
Sunset Health is Heart of Yuma 2022!
The Arizona Community Foundation of Yuma (ACF) held its Annual Heart of Yuma Award presentation on October 25th. The HEART of Yuma recognizes community leaders, volunteers, and organizations who seek to improve the quality of life of individuals and communities. Sunset is proud to announce that during this year’s special celebration Sunset Health was nominated with the Outstanding Service Organization HEART of Yuma Award 2022!
Sunset received this special recognition thanks to the Pediatric and Dental department for their Rocky Mountain Network of Oral Health Integration (RoMoNOH) Program efforts. Sunset’s Pediatric and Dental TEAM achieved 5 out of 7 RoMoNOH dental project goals to date, and out of all the Health Centers across the Country, Sunset’s Medical- Dental Integration Program is currently the ONLY program to have achieved these goals as of January 2021.
Sunset Health began the Medical- Dental Integration Program 2 years ago lead by Dr. Somjee, Pediatrician/Associate Medical Director. The Medical-Dental Integration Program was designed to provide dental care to young children during their well child visits. Our primary care providers do an oral health screening during the Well Child visits for children from 0-40 months of age. These little patients are seen by a Dental Hygienist in the clinic immediately after the medical visit for caries risk assessment, teething/nutritional counselling, application of fluoride varnish on teeth, and referrals of children with high risk of caries to establish a dental home. Our main objective is to provide prevention of dental caries and early caries management.
Community Engagement Strategies In a Participatory Action Research Study with Farmworkers
Lucy Murrieta, Community Relations Outreach & Eligibility Director, participated in a participatory action research method to improve behavioral health services for farmworkers in a primary care setting.
Participatory action research (PAR) is a collaborative approach to knowledge development in which researchers and those most affected by an issue collaborate in all phases of the research process. Engagement of community members in identifying relevant research questions and designing and implementing research methods enhances data quality and increases the potential that community members will utilize research findings to promote social action. In this chapter, the authors discuss forms of community participation in participatory research projects. Co-construction of data, or the process through which participants reach a common understanding of the phenomenon under study, is explored as one approach to achieve broader community representation. Community engagement strategies are described in a PAR study designed to address the behavioral health needs of farmworkers receiving health care from a federally qualified health center located in a US-Mexico border community. Migrant farmworkers are among the most vulnerable and marginalized communities in the USA, with little or no access to behavioral health services at the time of this study. Academic researchers and community health workers developed research activities designed to center the project within the clinic and the community. The partners reflect upon the extent to which the participatory action research (PAR) methods resulted in the co-construction of knowledge regarding mental health in the community. Use of participatory research methods contributed to actions beneficial to the research partners and the community under study.
Dr. Somjee, MD, FAAP, Arizona Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics Boards Member
Great honor!
Last month, Dr. Somjee, MD, FAAP, our pediatrician at North Yuma clinic, was nominated for the elections of the Arizona Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics Boards member.
The results of the AzAAP Board of Directors Election were declared this week on June 22nd, 2022.
We are very happy to share that Dr. Somjee was successfully voted in for the 2022-2024 term beginning on July 1, 2022.
Dr. Somjee is excited to have a voice now where policies matter for making healthcare improvements for the children of Yuma County, this is where her heart lies.
She says, “Now I will be able to share our expertise and leadership with many colleagues at the board level and will strive to work with the AAP organization to improve the health of our Arizona children”.
Dr. Somjee wants to thank Mr. Rogers, Dr. Wang, and all her colleagues all for their support always and the constant encouragement they have provided her in the many years she has been with Sunset Health.
We are so proud of her achievement!
Best Practices and Brightest Stars Awards: The Arizona Partnership for Immunization
We are excited to announce that Sunset Health clinics have been recognized for doing a great work to keep our communities safe from preventable diseases and have contribute to improve immunization rates in Arizona.
The following clinics received awards:
- Sunset Health Somerton:
The Dr. Daniel T. Cloud Outstanding Teen Practice Immunization Award 2022
The Dr. Daniel T. Cloud Outstanding Toddler Practice Immunization Award 2022 - Sunset Health Wellton:
The Dr. Daniel T. Cloud Outstanding Toddler Practice Immunization Award 2022 - Sunset Health North Yuma:
The Dr. Daniel T. Cloud Outstanding Teen Practice Immunization Award 2022
The Dr. Daniel T. Cloud Outstanding Toddler Practice Immunization Award 2022 - Sunset Health San Luis:
The Dr. Daniel T. Cloud Outstanding Teen Practice Immunization Award 2022
The Dr. Daniel T. Cloud Outstanding Toddler Practice Immunization Award 2022
Rocky Mountain Network of Oral Health Integration Awarded Sunset Health North Yuma Pediatric and Dental Department
With the Dental-Medical integration project; Sunset Health primary care providers will do an oral health screening during the Well Child visits for children from 0-40 months of age. These babies are seen by a Dental Hygienist in the clinic immediately after the medical visit for Caries risk assessment, teething/nutritional counselling, application of fluoride varnish on teeth, and referrals of children with high risk of caries to establish a dental home. This collaborative care provides opportunity for prevention of dental caries and early caries management, if any, before extensive damage occurs.
Excellence in Clinical Teaching by a Clerkship Class of 2020
Saika S. Somjee, MD, a Pediatrician at Sunset Health received an award for Excellence in Clinical Teaching by Clerkship for overall excellence in Pediatric Training of Medical Students from the College Of Medicine University Of Arizona, Phoenix. We congratulate Dr. Somjee on this terrific achievment and thank her for making all of us proud.
Target: BP Silver Achievement Award
Our participation in Target: BP demonstrates our commitment to reduce the number of Americans who have heart attacks and strokes by prioritizing blood pressure control.
What really gets us excited is seeing the lives we’re impacting. Our greatest reward is caring for our patients. That’s why we’re committed to turning treatment guidelines into lifelines.
At Sunset Health, we care about our patients. That’s why we’ve made a commitment to help patients achieve greater blood pressure control. Sunset Health has been recognized by Target: BP for our work to improve blood pressure control rates and reduce the number of Americans who have heart attacks or strokes.
HRSA Presents Sunset Health with a Quality Improvement Award
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) presented Sunset Health with a 2017 Quality Improvement Award. Sunset Health was recognized as a Health Center Quality Leader for achieving the best overall clinical performance among all health centers, placing in the top 30 percent of the adjusted quartile rankings for Clinical Quality Measures. Sunset CHC is pleased to have received such prestige award and will continue its mission of delivering comprehensive and preventive primary care in a culturally sensitive, compassionate and professional manner, ultimately improving the health of our patients and responding to the health and education needs of our communities.